
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

God Protect Obama

Many of you have seen our previous postings saying that we need to pray for President Obama. We don't have to agree with what he is doing, but we can pray that the Holy Spirit will come upon him and give him wisdom, guidance and a healthy fear of The Lord.

We need to remember that no leader is sitting over this country without God's ordination. No,... God was NOT SURPRISED that Obama won the election.

Further, most of us realize that if Obama were killed while in could set in motion a series of events that could be cataclysmic for the USA....and everyone living here. So we need to pray for his safety.

With that being said, Chuck Missler has an excellent piece that confirms these points very nicely.

America needs a President Obama who makes good choices for the United States and leads the country well. We certainly have a duty to express our views to our elected officials and hold them accountable for their actions. We have the duty to tell them how we want them to vote on certain issues. But, whether we agree with them politically or not, we have a vital duty to hold our representatives up in prayer. And whether or not we agree with his policies, we all need to continue to pray for our President, and pray for God's guidance and direction for him. Not only will his decisions affect us all, but he is - more simply - a human being for whom Christ died. After all, the ultimate battle is a spiritual one, and our greatest weapons are found on our knees.

Read it here;

Honestly, how many Christ followers are actually using our greatest weapons during the intense spiritual battle that is currently raging?

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