
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Irreversible Catastrophe

That's the headline of what President Obama is telling the United Nations;....if we don't fix global warming soon, we will create an irreversible catastrophe.

Of course Obama had to continue his "Blame America Tour", and apologize to the entire world for America causing global warming and for us being so stupid as to not recognize or try to combat it earlier.

President Obama acknowledged that developed nations had caused much of the damage to the global climate, and said they also have the responsibility to lead the global fight against it. He said the United States was slow to recognize and respond to global warming, but he outlined a series of steps his administration is now taking to combat the problem.

Now read this VERY carefully;
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the summit, and opened the session Tuesday by saying it would be "morally inexcusable" not to act.

Did you catch that?? The leader of the U.N. said that anyone who didn't (or wouldn't) act to stop global warming would be considered "immoral" and would not be "excused".

Question for you; What group of people shake their heads in disbelief when it comes to global warming? Answer; Fundamentalist Christians who read their bibles.

So let's spell this out very plainly for all to hear; The table is being set for a time when anyone who doubts that man-made global warming is of critical importance, will be labeled "immoral" and/or be called a "global terrorist" and will not be excused for their willful stupidity.

Read article here;

The Bible tells us that, "The right will become wrong and the wrong will become right." It appears that may be coming true in the United Nations.

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