
Monday, September 7, 2009

More Rage Over Israel

Israel is allowing Jews to build more apartment buildings in the West Bank. So why does this make top headlines on International News? And what the heck can this small item derail Barack Obama? Here is the headline and sub-headline.

Israel approves settler homes in blow to Middle East peace

Israel has resolved to build almost 3,000 new homes for Jewish settlers in the West Bank, a decision that threatens to derail President Barack Obama’s drive for a Middle East peace accord.

Read article here;

Sorry....but when ever a Palestinian negotiator tells Israel that they "could have had peace, but they chose settlements" has to roll his eyes in disbelief....especially when you understand that the two ruling parties in Palestine are Fatah and Hamas....both of which has said that Israel has no right to exist at all....even if the land they occupied was the size of a postage stamp!!

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that there will be NO LASTING PEACE between the Jews and Arabs until the Prince of Peace comes back to earth to rule and reign....and that may be sooner than later.

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