
Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama Nominates Another Radical

As most have heard me say, homosexuality is just another form of perversion. God created sex as an intimate gift to be shared between a husband and wife....and anything that deviates from that is perverse...says God.

So it should come as no surprise that Satan is trying to change the definition of "perversion"....and he seems to be succeeding at a fairly fast pace. What's terribly sad is that he is succeeding in our own country, right under the very noses of millions of U.S. citizens attending thousands of churches. What's incredibly that many of the churches and congregants are actually encouraging the perversion....and supposedly doing it in the name of love and tolerance.

Since the church guardrails have fallen down, now this perversion is coming into the highest levels of our leadership....senators, judges, politicians and pastors. And Obama is furthering the cause by nominating a woman named Chai Feldblum to join the Federal Employment Opportunity Commission.

She is a lesbian and has played a major role in pushing the LGBT agenda in American culture for the past 20 years.

Feldblum is professor of law (gay studies) at Georgetown University. She is the primary author of the pro-gay/transsexual bill known as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which is being pushed again in Congress. She is also a strategist for gay activists. She advocates the use of “incrementalism” in the achievement of the gay agenda. She wants to use incrementalism in ENDA, for example, by first covering employment and then later moving to housing and public accommodations. The same tactic was used in another Feldblum-authored bill the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) where housing was the first target and then the ADA was later expanded to cover more areas of our culture.

You can read more here;

It seems almost daily, this country is continuing to do things that publicly shame God...or even worse, taunt Him! How much longer until he says, "Enough!"

Hat tip to Gary A.

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