
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obama to Captivate our Kids

I heard rumors from a friend yesterday that Obama is going to do a TV broadcast that will be piped into every public school room next week. This move is unprecedented and, as another blogger reports, loaded with the opportunities for mischief.

Rather than me waxing on about this, I am going to cut a paste what another blogger has already written.
by Bryan Fischer
In what is likely to be an exercise in nation-wide indoctrination, Pres. Obama apparently intends to deliver a speech to a captive audience next week – every public school student in America. The plan, evidently, is for the speech to be piped into classrooms all across the fruited plane.

The capacity for mischief here is enormous. The president will have moldable minds, being led by enraptured teacher-acolytes, at his disposal. What better time to urge them to tell their folks to support health care reform, or his cap and trade taxapalooza?

Of course, these will be presented quite benignly: “Do you want every child in America to have good health care? Me too! So here’s what I need you to do...” Or, “Do you want to protect the beauty of our planet? So do I! So here’s what I want you to do...” Students – and their parents – won’t even know what hit them.

The guide that the Department of Education is sending out to teachers instructs them to direct their students to take notes, and in particular write down the answers to these questions:

What is the President trying to tell me? (That the planet is warming? That health care in America is a disaster?

What is the President asking me to do? (Tell my parents to support health care reform?)

What new ideas or actions is the President challenging me to think about? (New as compared to the ideas I’m getting from my parents, and new compared to the actions my parents want me to take? If they are “new”, this means they haven’t learned them yet from their folks.)

Then, after they have dutifully taken notes, the students are to gather in little clusters of mind-numbed gobots and discuss answers to the following questions:

What do you think the President wants us to do? (Tell our parents to support health care for everybody!)

Does the speech make you want to do anything? (Yes! Be a good Democrat instead of a wascally Republican when I grow up!)

Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us? (Yes We Can! Gag me.)

Unless we get public assurances from the White House that the president won’t address health care or global warming or the homosexual agenda (under the color of “human rights for people different than us”) this might be a great time for parents to exercise their opt-out authority and give their students a biography of George Washington to read while the President turns the minds of an entire generation to mush.


I agree that any of us with children in public schools should ask our schools what Obama is going to talk about....and if your child's teacher happens to be wearing an Obama button and a T-shirt that says, "Yes we can!"....we may not want to subject our kids to a morning of unchallenged, unbalanced, "OBA-MANIA". Maybe we should think about the "opt-out" option.

You can read this release from the Dept. of Education here;

1 comment:

  1. You can check out the teacher plans, etc at the US Dept of Education website:
