
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rockets Fired Into Israel

The news is just breaking that two rockets were fired into Israel from Lebanon. Israel responded by firing 8 shells back. Let's remember that the Lebanon war started in 2006 because Hezbollah kidnapped an Israeli soldier....who they are still holding over 3 years later.

Israeli resident Ephraim Gold, who heard the sound of up to six explosions in the city of Nahariya - some 6 miles (9.6km) from the border with Lebanon - told the BBC News website that the rockets had sparked panic.

"People were screaming, running away," he said. "It's been quiet here for so long, this was completely unexpected.

"The sirens went off. Everybody is in bunkers. The children had to leave their schools."

He said Israeli troops were in the area to investigate the source of the attacks.

Read full article here;

Now turn your bibles to Psalm 83. Understand that this prophecy has not been fulfilled and further understand that "Tyre and Gebal" are places in Lebanon. (In fact, Tyre is mentioned in the linked article) It's obvious that this place will one day be laid low...and appears that it will happen at the hands of the Israelis.

Keep praying for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. Also keep praying that the Muslim extremists will meet Jesus Christ and be saved...before it's too late.

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