
Sunday, September 6, 2009

US Citizens Support Israel

If this is true, it is truly good news. It appears that in a recent U.S. poll, the support for Israel is almost 8 times more than what it is for the Palestinian cause.

Some 59 percent of the respondents said they were Israel supporters, compared to 8 percent for the Palestinians. The poll was conducted by telephone from August 22 to 25.

This was a considerable jump in support for Israel since June, following the US president's speech in Cairo, when the same question was asked by the same pollsters and Israel's support was only 49 percent.

The number of Americans who think America should support Israel over the Palestinians also increased considerably over the last two months, with 63 percent saying the US should support Israel, and 8% saying it should support the Palestinians. In June, that number was 44% for Israel, and 5% for the Palestinians.

Read full article here;

We all need to keep praying for Israel. It may be that even as the US administration turns on Israel...60% of us know that they are acting as the front line for us all in the war against Islamic zealots.

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