
Friday, September 18, 2009

U.S. Power Fading

The rest of the world has known for some time that the USA is THE lone superpower. So when it takes us a long time to "fix" Iraq...and now it is taking a long time to "fix" Afghanistan.....the rest of the world starts to wonder if we are actually as powerful as they were led to believe.

When this happens, it actually can make the world a lot more dangerous, for us and everyone, as our enemies will use our perceived weakness as a recruitment tool.

Today this headline hit Yahoo;

UK think tank says US power is fading

A weakened United States could start retreating from the world stage without help from its allies abroad, an international strategic affairs think tank said Tuesday.

The respected London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies said President Barack Obama will increasingly have to turn to others for help dealing with the world's problems — in part because he has no alternative.

"Domestically Obama may have campaigned on the theme 'yes we can'; internationally he may increasingly have to argue 'no we can't'," the institute said in its annual review of world affairs.

Read article here;

Most readers by now know that America is not mentioned anywhere in Biblical prophecy. Most have heard me say that I believe The Rapture of the church will be the final undoing of America...and that would answer the question that Bible readers always have of, "Where is America?"

The article above may be foreshadowing our demise....and allowing the other global players to begin jockeying for the coming fight over the new pecking order. A NEW WORLD ORDER.

Remember to pray for President Obama and all the leaders of this nation. Yes, I know it may be hard to do....but it's an obedience thing.

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