
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dollar In Decline

Most people you would talk to about a falling dollar would look at you and say, " what does that have to do with anything?"

I assume that most readers know the simple law of supply and demand....basically the more something is in demand the more it is worth. Simple...right?

Quite simply, ever since WWII finished, the U.S. dollar has been in big demand. The entire world wanted to own them. Since everyone wanted to own them....they had value.

That is all about to change. And, will affect all of our lives.

World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick warned Monday that, with foreign economic powers rising quickly on the world stage, time is running out for the privileged role enjoyed by the American currency.

Mr. Zoellick, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, noted that the world economic order established after World War II, with the United States and a handful of European countries largely dominating, is quickly coming to an end.

Read it here;

So, as "Children of the light" Apostle Paul calls us....where should we put putting our confidence?

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