
Monday, October 19, 2009

Full Faith and Confidence

Yesterday in adult education we talked about the U.S. dollar and how our printed paper money can have any value at all. The reason that it does is because it is backed by the "full faith and confidence" in the U.S. government.

We asked the question, "What would happen if the world lost faith and confidence in the U.S. government?"

Today I opened my email and had a new one from Hal Lindsey who has his own prophecy show every week on cable TV. Here is what he said;

On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report": I'll take a look at the travails of the US dollar. It used to be based directly on gold. Today, it's based on the "full faith and credit" of the United States. The problem with that is the rest of the world is losing faith in America and our credit is in the toilet. Where does that leave the dollar?

It leaves the rest of the world growing increasingly uncomfortable with the dollar. So much so that some of our longtime allies have been holding secret meetings to discuss establishing a new reserve currency for oil trading. The World Bank is already saying that the old order is gone. The United Nations wants to put the brakes on the excessive spending of the United States. Analysts say that some nations are dumping their US dollars at the rate of 30 billion per month. Once the dollar is replaced as the world's reserve currency, its value may become a day-to-day question.

If you have a chance, see if you can watch Hal's show this week and see if you can glean any more info.

Remember, when God has no further use for a nation...that nation can literally disappear as if it were washed away in a flood. Our ONLY confidence, as inhabitants of USA, lies in the foundation of Jesus Christ...because the USA will certainly vanish...we just don't know exactly when.

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