
Monday, October 12, 2009

Iraqi Oil

When the USA invaded Iraq in 2002 to overthrow Saddam, many said it was part of the war on terror. Others said it was about oil. Obviously they are both right.

USA is dependent on foreign oil and we realize that any major disruption in the production and shipping of that foreign oil....would bring the USA to it's knees in a hurry. So it is in our best interests to have a safe oil market...and Saddam had already proven he was a wild card when he invaded Kuwait in 1991.

Also, Iraq is rich in oil so there is a very good chance that they might be able to pay us back for the $$billions that we spent on liberating them from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein.

The minister said that foreign companies' investment in the West Qurna, az-Zubair and Rumeila fields would bring $100 billion to Iraq while productivity at the three deposits would increase to 7 million barrels compared with the country's current total output of 2.4 million barrels per day.

Read it here;

Did you notice that statistic of bringing $100 billion to Iraq? Remember that many prophecy watchers take note that Babylon will be rebuilt around the time of the Great the Last Days. Remember that Babylon is in Iraq. We will continue to watch that area because $100 billion would go a long way towards having that ancient city rebuilt and turned into some type of global financial center.

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