
Friday, October 2, 2009

Israel's Secret Nukes

Many have asked the question, "How come Iran, Iraq and Syria have all gotten into trouble with the United Nations for their nuclear desires, but Israel doesn't have inspectors crawling all over their nuclear facilities?"

Good question.

One part of the answer goes all the way back to 1969.

The chief nuclear understanding was reached at a summit between President Nixon and Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir that began on Sept. 25, 1969. Avner Cohen, author of "Israel and the Bomb" and the leading authority outside the Israeli government on the history of Israel's nuclear program, said the accord amounts to "the United States passively accepting Israel's nuclear weapons status as long as Israel does not unveil publicly its capability or test a weapon."

Read this interesting article here;

Now, here is some good news; Obama will continue to keep this "secret" agreement with Israel.

Also, this may help us understand why Arab passions run so deep against America....on the one hand we want to keep nukes from spreading all over the middle east....but on the other hand, we have known and supported Israel in it's nuclear monopoly.

Remember, many fervent Muslims believe that the Jews are messengers of Satan....and the USA is the "Big Satan" because of our special friendship with Israel.

Now, going back to our post from a few days ago discussing an Israeli nuclear pre-emptive attack on Iran....if that happens that the Jews use nukes on Muslims in Iran....the world's hatred of Israel will also be leveled on the USA because we have allowed this little "secret" to exist for 40 years.

Hey.....I just realized that this secret has been kept for 40 you realize that the number 40 has special significance in the Bible? I wonder if this has any meaning?

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