
Monday, October 19, 2009

Suicide Bombers

Suicide bombers are almost a daily headline these days. We have gotten used to them in Iraq and now they are now blowing themselves up Pakistan on a regular basis....but yesterday they moved into southern Iran where a bomber killed 42 people.

Here's what's interesting; Iran is blaming Pakistan, Britain and the U.S. for this suicide attack.

The suicide bomber detonated his bomb vest at the gate of a sports complex in the town of Pisheen as delegates arrived for a meeting to promote rapprochement between Sunnis and Shias. Two of the dead were employees of the state broadcaster IRIB, the company said.

General Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the Guards’ ground forces, told Iranian television that the bombers were trained by the West.

“The base of the terrorists and rebels has not been in Iran. They are trained by America and Britain in some of the neighbouring countries,” he said.

Read it here;

The $100,000 dollar question is; does Iran truly believe that Britain and the U.S. had anything to do with this just Iran's latest move in the big chess game they are playing with The West? They certainly understand that by making these accusations against the U.S., Iran can try and put the U.S. government on it's heals and further delay talking about their illegal attempt to acquire nuclear weapons and threaten the entire world.

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