
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

U.S. Would Join Israeli Strike

Many of us have wondered allowed; "What would the U.S. do if Israel strikes Iran?"

The linked article casts some light on this.

The United States would find it difficult not to join an Israeli air strike in the event that Jerusalem decides to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, a former top-ranking U.S. Air Force officer told participants at a conference this weekend organized by a Washington think tank.

Charles F. Wald, former deputy commander of United States European Command, said a military strike on Iran could set back the Islamic Republic's alleged nuclear weapons program by several years, but cautioned, "I don't think Israel can do it alone."

They also asked this guy if the U.S. may shoot down Israeli jets as they crossed Iraqi airspace, as Jimmy Carter's aide had suggested.

Wald was also asked to comment on the suggestion by Jimmy Carter's former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski last month that the U.S. shoot down Israeli warplanes if they try to fly over Iraq to attack Iran.

"The chance of that," Wald said, "is zero - no, less than zero."

And finally, we have a glimmer of hope that Iran may not be a suicidal regime.

"The Tehran regime doesn't seek suicide," Farkash said. "When they realize we mean business this time, they won't want to lose their regime."

Read full article here;

So far now, we will all just need to watch, wait and pray.

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