
Monday, November 30, 2009

Defiant Iran

The headlines on the front page of the Wall Street Journal today trumpet;

Iran announced a massive expansion of its nuclear program on Sunday and threatened to pull out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, moves that would dramatically escalate the country's standoff with the international community if Tehran follows through.

A majority of Iranian lawmakers also asked the government to draw up a plan to end cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations nuclear watchdog. Ali Larijani, the speaker of Iran's parliament and a former nuclear negotiator, warned Iran could pull out of the treaty that forbids it from developing nuclear weapons.

Read it here;

Poor Mr. Obama....he made such a nice speech about "unclenching fists so we could extend a hand". Wow....that was just beautiful. And here that nasty Ahmadinejad just won't play nice in the sandbox!!

Also please note that not only is Iran going to stick a finger in the entire world's eye and go ahead with nuclear ambitions....they also are saying they may withdraw from the IAEA and pull out of the treaty that forbids them from developing nukes.

The time clock is ticking for Israel to go into Iran and break both their arms. Iran is taunting them and Israel must be well aware that if they don't respond...the taunts will turn into action....and one well placed nuke would be the end of Israel.

As Bible readers, we know that Israel will NOT be washed off the map because the Bible is clear that once they are brought back as a nation....they will exist as a nation until Christ returns.

But the Israelis don't know that part of the story.

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