
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Don't Say Muslim!

It really became obvious a few weeks ago after the massacre at Fort Hood. It seemed the journalists of this country were stumbling all over themselves to NOT say that the gunman was a devout Muslim. In their politically correct brains, they seem to have a tape that repeats over and over again, "All religions are the same...all religions are the same!"

This present case of insanity is what causes long lines at every airport around the we ask 80 yr old white women from Des Moines to kindly remove their shoes so we can verify that they haven't planted plastic explosives in their shoes.


In fact 99% of suicide bombers have been males between the ages of 15 and 30 who share another common trait.....are you ready....THEY ARE ALL DEVOUT MUSLIMS and usually have darker complexions....which means they are from Middle Eastern descent.

Today, the breaking headlines are in the Philippines. It seems that there was a massacre that had something to do with elections. So CNN is reporting it as political violence.

Manila, Philippines (CNN) -- Search teams pulled 24 more bodies out of shallow graves in the Philippines Tuesday bringing the death toll to 46 in "a gruesome massacre" ahead of provincial elections, state-run media reported.
The Philippine government declared a state of emergency in southern parts of the country following Monday's shooting, which government officials called the worse pre-election violence in the country's history.

But check this's not until about half way through the article that you get this tiny sentence;

Maguindanao is a province in Mindanao, a Muslim autonomous region out of the control of the central government. (bold print is mine)

Read full article here;

So what does CNN not want to tell us?? That the world is exploding with violence....and that of the 400+ armed conflicts going on around the world right now....almost all of them have SOMETHING TO DO WITH VIOLENT MUSLIMS!

It's the elephant in the room that the journalists can't get themselves to talk about. Why?? I think it's two reasons. One is that the journalists are so overcome with tolerance and acceptance that they are incapable of connecting dots. But even more importantly, I believe the journalists are afraid to put "Muslim" in the headline because they know that the CNN office in Jakarta or Spain could be firebombed or their reporters killed.

They know what happens when angry Muslim mobs take to the streets.

So what we are now witnessing is Islam taking down the freedom of the press brick by the media has learned it is much safer to, "Don't say Muslim or Islam."

As Christ followers, what are we to do with this? We are to understand where Satan has thrown his energy and then we can better understand where the spiritual battle is being waged. Once that is recognized, we can then more effectively focus our spiritual weapon....which consists of one thing.....PRAYER.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dennis for your continued postings. Just thought I would pass along a good definition of "tolerance" I heard: the virtue of someone with no convictions. Forgive me if this is common and has been around but it certainly applies to the main media.
