
Saturday, November 7, 2009

It Wasn't Jim Peterson

As the news continues to flow in about the tragic shooting at Fort Hood, pundits will digest it for the coming months.

I first heard the news when I turned on the TV last Thursday at 5:30. Brian Williams started telling about a man who walked into Fort Hood and shot 13 people dead, he said.

As I heard it, I said out loud, "I bet the shooter's name isn't Jim Peterson or Matt Johnson."

Within minutes they announced the shooter's name was Nidal Malik Hasan....and surprise!!!......he is a devout Muslim from Palestinian-Arab descent.

We next learn that he entered the room and said, "Allah akbar!!" before he opened fire. (The translation of that phrase is, "Allah is greater!")

Since we know Allah is not the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob....what kind of supernatural power could possess a man who finished medical school (courtesy of the US Military), who had just been promoted to walk into a room of innocent, young soldiers and shoot them dead?

Keep praying for all the families at Fort Hood that are dealing with this tragedy. Also, as difficult as it may be to do.....pray for Nidal Malik Hasan.

The spiritual battle is raging.

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