
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Last Best Hope

Today is Veteran's Day, a day to honor all those who have served in the armed forces. Obviously they have been a large part of keeping America free and making America great.

I received this email from the Republican Party today and it struck me as prophetic;

St. Paul - Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman Tony Sutton today issued the following statement on Veterans Day.

"Like all Americans, today we come together to proudly honor and express our heartfelt gratitude to our nation's armed forces veterans for their heroism, courage and commitment to country. As we honor America’s veterans, we resolve to never forget their sacrifices. While our deep appreciation can never be fully expressed in words, we recognize that it is because of the selfless dedication of American veterans in defense of freedom around the world that the United States of America will always remain the 'last best hope of Earth.'"

That last bold statement got me reflecting on the state of planet earth.

If the U.S. is the last best hope for planet earth (and we are) and we are bankrupt, Biblically illiterate, selfish, greedy, lover's of violence, addicted to porn, disrespectful, etc, etc, etc,.... What does that say about the long term prospects of planet earth?

We most certainly need a savior.

Thank you Jesus that we pathetic beings can place our eternal hope in you....because this world is passing away....and just like you said it would be, it seems to be happening like a flood.

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