
Monday, November 23, 2009

Last Days Coalition Builds

We know that Ezekiel 38 spells out some of the players in the Last Days coalition that God himself will destroy as they descend on Israel.

Some of those players are Turkey and Libya.

Today in the Turkish news headlines is this;
Prime Minister leaves for Libya

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan pays a 2-day visit to Libya, with a group of businessmen and deputies accompanying him.

The visit is expected to highlight bilateral trade relations during the first visit at Prime Ministerial level after 13 years. Premier Erdogan will contact Libyan President Muammar Kaddafi and Prime Minister Baghdadi Al Mahmudi.

Libya is the second largest field for Turkish construction investors after Russia. Turkish industrialists won tenders worth $8 billion in Libya in the last 6 years. Prime Minister Erdogan is scheduled to fly back to Turkey on Wednesday.

Also notice that Russia is mentioned in the same article. In Ezekiel 39, Russia is also a named player in the coalition.

Read it here;

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