
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Last Days Warning

Yes, we have been watching for signs of the coming third Temple in Jerusalem. There is a renewed zeal in Israel to have a place of worship.

Remember, there has been no temple for over 1900 years.

To a devout Jew, no temple means no sacrifice...and no sacrifice means no atonement for sin. If you were a may feel very out of sorts.

And most importantly, remember that the Third Temple will be built in the Last the Bible clearly points out. So all this Temple Talk is simply more evidence that every day that passes means we are one day closer to seeing our Savior in the clouds.

Recent events in Jerusalem are signs of coming conflict according to Christian Zionist Les Lawrence.

November 17, 2009 -- When violent confrontation between Muslims and Jews in late October reignited on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Les Lawrence of Elisha Vision , called the incident “a warning sign of the end times.”

According to Robert Berger writing from Jerusalem (10/25/09), the conflict began when young Muslims, incited by senior members of the Islamic Movement, barricaded themselves inside the Al Aqsa Mosque in protest of Jews praying on the Temple Mount. Berger wrote that the “Israeli Police Commissioner Dudi Cohen blamed Islamic leaders in Israel for fomenting the violence.”

Read it here;

Friends, we should be very motivated and excited right now! Many Christ followers are reporting to me that they are feeling a "quickening" take place in their hearts.

Jesus told us to be busy until He returns. He also told us to snatch people from the fire.

Do we have friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers who haven't accepted the Gospel? Jesus told us that the harvest is ripe but the workers are few.

Are we all being workers today? If we knew that the Age of Grace was only going to last for another 6 months....would we drop everything we are doing and work diligently to draw your friends to Christ before it's too late?

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