
Monday, November 16, 2009

The World is Buzzing About Israel

If you turned on Google News this morning you would have seen what I did...Israel was the 3rd headline from the top. The world just can't seem to get it's hands around this problem of land, Jews and the descendants of Ishmael.

The topic of today's hand wringing is Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Remember the West Bank is the land that pretty much surrounds Jerusalem. There is absolutely no doubt this was the Biblical land of Judea.

The Palestinians seem to have been working on a plan with the United Nations to unilaterally declare statehood and include all this disputed land within their planned state.

Israel has responded that if the PA does that then Israel will also respond with unilateral decisions.

Read article here;

Most of this disputed land was taken by Israel in the 1967 war. They gave Egypt back the land they lost in exchange for peace. They did the same with Jordan. They would probably be willing to do the same with Palestine, but Hamas and the Palestinians who elect them, don't seem to want that.

Note Gaza as an example. Israel gave Gaza back to the PA for total self rule and withdrew all IDF troops. Within days Palestinian militants saw this as an opportunity to attack Israel and proceeded to launch 8000 missiles into civilian territory in southern Israel.

It appears that peace will not come to this region until one man can figure out a way to appease both sides. The Bible says that man will be the Antichrist...and that peace will only last for 3 1/2 years.

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