
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Antichrist Chatter

As most of you know, I haven't spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out who the Antichrist is....although I do believe he is currently on planet earth.

Apostle Paul is very clear that the Antichrist won't be revealed until "the restrainer" is removed. (2 Thessalonians) Clearly, Paul is referring to the Holy Spirit who indwells all believers being withdrawn from planet earth....that means the Rapture of the church.

So to me that means that only the Tribulation saints will know for sure who the Antichrist is....because all of us current believers will have already left the planet when he is finally revealed.

With that disclaimer being stated...I am going to say a few words about this dude. First off, Daniel says that he will come from the people who destroyed the 2nd Temple. History tells us that was the Roman army who did lots of folks believe he needs to come from a revived Roman empire...and be the leader of it.

So for years....prophecy watchers have kept a keen eye on the United Nations as being the precursor to the revived Roman empire and have watched closely for some President to emerge from the UN that might end up being "the guy".

With that being said, note this article about the first President elected to the UN;

In reality, and behind his harmless, eccentric and literary persona, Mr Van Rompuy, 62, is a sharp political operator who is not above using dirty tricks to stymie his opponents.

Europe's leaders may find to their cost that the man they chose to chair their EU summits possesses dark arts that will be turned against anyone, such as an incoming Conservative prime minister, who challenges the Brussels consensus.

Re read those paragraphs a few times and see if it doesn't make you think of the Antichrist....especially the eerie line that says he "possesses dark arts."

But before you get all convinced that this is "the guy"....let me tell you that Isaiah referred to "the guy" as "the Assyrian"....which would mean he would hail from the Syria-Iraq area. This would make a lot of sense since Babylon is in Iraq and is mentioned a ton in last days prophecies.

But let me also mention that author Joel Richardson has done some serious digging into who destroyed the 2nd Temple and has come to the conclusion that it was ARAB enlistees who were working for the Roman army....that they were, in fact, Arabs from Palestine who actually pried the Temple stones apart and destroyed it all.

And finally...I have talked to some pretty smart folks who are convinced that the Antichrist is Barack Obama.

Only time will tell....and our great hope for those of us awaiting the Rapture is....that time will NEVER tell us. We will be long gone!!

Hat tip to Gary A.

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