
Thursday, December 17, 2009

At Risk Countries

Most haven't heard it yet, but Greece and other countries could be on the verge of insolvency....and it could spread like the flu virus.

Rising mortgage defaults and credit card delinquencies put many banks on the brink of bankruptcy in 2008, sending the global economy into a tailspin. But sovereign debt defaults are potentially even more catastrophic as they can lead to geopolitical instability, societal unrest and even war. And there will also be economic ramifications for investors worldwide, putting America’s (and the globe’s) fragile recovery at great risk.

Who are some of these countries?? Greece, Spain, Ecuador, Lebanon, Pakistan, Mexico are in the list.

Read it here;

Could this be the start of massive unraveling which could ultimately unravel the USA and it's paper money scheme?

Only God knows for sure.

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