
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Copenhagen Collapse

Things don't look to be going well at the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

This was where the world was going to come together and agree that man is wrecking the weather and if we don't do something really soon....we are all going to freeze or melt or drought or flood.

So here we are on planet earth spinning around at 1000 mph, orbiting a sun that is too large to comprehend and meanwhile the entire solar system is flying through the Milky Way galaxy and dragging all of us along with it as our solar system orbits some huge, unknown black hole in the middle of the galaxy.....and the most educated men on our planet think that if only we could all start driving hybrid cars and stop cows from farting....we could influence the weather.

It is the height of arrogance, pride and stupidity all rolled up into one giant goofball.

In today's Wall Street Journal there is a great article titled, Climate Change is Nature's Way. You can read it here;

I have said all along to many that, it is fortunate for all of us Minnesotans that the earth has in fact warmed in these last 10,000 years...otherwise all of our homes would be sitting underneath a glacier that was 5000 feet thick.

This gentleman seems to be saying much of the same.

But will these facts deter the Copenhagen Crew from voting on some $27 Trillion dollar, global warming nightmare?....let's hope so.

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