
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Digging Up Dead People

Militant Islam seems to be on a roll.

They were the first to blow themselves up for Jihad, they were the first to blow up babies by hiding explosives in their strollers, they were the first to recruit the mentally insane so they could blow them up in marketplaces, and they also are the first to target schools where they know they can kill lots of little kids.

Do doubt, man is depraved....but no doubt,....these events are the work of Satan himself.

Now today, we have more evidence that militant Islam is doing the work of their father....the devil.

Every three minutes a Christian is being tortured in the Muslim world, and in 2009 more than 165,000 Christians will have been killed because of their faith, most of them in Muslim countries, according to a human rights organization that is visiting Israel starting Sunday.

Majed El Shafie, who will head a delegation of human rights activists, members of parliament from Canada and religious personalities at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem.
"Hamas digs up the bodies of Christians from Christian burial sites in the Gaza Strip claiming that they pollute the earth," said Reverend Majed El Shafie, President of One Free World International (OFWI), who will head a delegation of human rights activists, members of parliament from Canada and religious personalities.

Read it here;

Remember friends, the signature of Satan is first off hatred of the Jews and secondly hatred of Christians.

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