
Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's Not Only About the Money

If have heard from many people who are in the financial business that, "the market is coming back". It's like they believe that the stock market is a barometer of America's health....and that somehow, if the stock market comes back to where it was....everything will be O.K. again.

But is that going to fix the pornography problem that is ripping apart marriages? Is that going to fix the welfare problem that has 40% of U.S. citizens getting some sort of aid from the government? Is that going to fix the "it's all about me" attitude that has taken over so many of us? Is that going to fix the fact that most Americans never read their Bibles and have no concern for what the word of God has to say to them?

I have asked many people the simple question, "Is it going to get better or worse in the next 5 yrs?" in regards to the lack of morality that has swamped this country.

I have NEVER had anyone tell me that they believe it will get better....because everyone realizes that TV, movies, divorce, etc....are only going to get worse.

There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal that is also asking this very question.

I'd like to see a poll on this. Yes or no: Have we become a more vulgar country? Are we coarser than, say, 50 years ago? Do we talk more about sensitivity and treat others less sensitively? Do you think standards of public behavior are rising or falling? Is there something called the American Character, and do you think it has, the past half-century, improved or degenerated? If the latter, what are the implications of this? Do you sense, as you look around you, that each year we have less or more of the glue that holds a great nation together? Is there less courtesy in America now than when you were a child, or more? Bonus question: Is "Excuse me" a request or a command?
So much always roils us in America, and so much always will. But maybe as 2010 begins and the '00s recede, we should think more about the noneconomic issues that leave us uneasy, and that need our attention. Not everything in America comes down to money. Not everything ever did.

Read it here;'s_Most_Popular

The Bible tells us that man will get progressively more wicked and the love of many will grow cold. It will NEVER get better.....says God.

Thank you God that you sent your son to save us from ourselves and to carry us away from the fallen and dying planet.

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