
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Obama's Citizenship

Is our President a U.S. citizen?

This is a story that just won't die. Is it because it's true that he is not? Or is it because there is a group of people that so despise the guy that they will do everything in their power to tear him down?

According to the information that I will post below, some of the citizenship evidence is heading to the supreme court;


- In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College . Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California.

The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking.

You can read the article and follow the various links here:

I have to admit that when you read some of the quotes (if in fact they are true quotes) of what Obama said when he was running for Senator....the issue becomes very fishy indeed.

Remember one thing.....if Obama WAS found to be ineligible for the Presidency and had to step could be an event that causes massive riots and chaos....and could further damage our already tenuous reputation within the global community.


  1. Why keep on lying?

    None of this story is true. Occidental did not release the transcripts today or ever. There is no Americans for Freedom of Information organization. The article was originally posted on April 1. It is an April Fool's article.

  2. This is a made-up story originally posted on April 1. It is an April Fool's story. Occidental has not released any college transcripts. There is no Americans for Freedom of Information. There is no case pending at the US Supreme Court. ALL of this was made up.

    Oh, and both the US State Department and Indonesia have said that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia.

  3. Hi Ann,
    if you reread my blog posting you will find that I never said these comments or "facts" were true...I said if these did prove to be true. I also said I think it's interesting that the story about Obama's citizenship just won't die...maybe because there is a group that simply hates the guy. To me, the story is just another barometer of how divided and untrusting of D.C. our population has become. I truly wish Obama could have become the great uniter of the U.S. populace...but so far his actions have only divided people more. I have little faith left in Republicans, Democrats or politicians in general. They have all served various roles in bringing our country to it's current state of being VERY un-Godly. Also, along with your comments that I have posted, I will publish a followup on some of these comments.
