
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Putin Will Return

When Putin stepped down as Russian president...everyone knew his hand picked replacement (Medvedev) was only a temporary maneuver for Putin to retain power until he could come back.

As I recall, Putin changed the constitutional rules before he left office that would give him the chance to come back and serve more terms.

And now he has had some journalists killed, imprisoned some capitalists, killed their attorneys, and has seized control of some of the most profitable commodities companies. Hmmmm.....sounds like classic signs of how a dictator comes to power.

Also remember all the buzz that is surrounding the year 2012 as you read this headline;
Putin: Will consider running for president in 2012

Then read these next paragraphs very carefully;

Delving into foreign policy issues, Putin sharply admonishing the United States for keeping "anachronistic" Cold War-era trade restrictions imposed to penalize the Soviet Union for its refusal to allow free emigration of the Jews.

"The Soviet Union is gone, but they (restrictions) have remained," he said.
Putin also accused the United States of hampering Russia's accession into the World Trade Organization.

"Accession into the WTO remains our strategic goal, but some nations, including the United States, are impeding Russia's WTO bid," he said.

Read it here;

It's pretty interesting that the U.S. imposed trade sanctions on Russia for their refusal to let the Jews return to Israel. This is just more evidence that shows the U.S. may have been put on earth by God to bless the Jews, incubate and defend the nation of Israel and also aid in the fulfilment of the scattered Jews from around the world returning to the Holy Land.

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