
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christian/Muslim Violence in Nigeria

Jesus said lots of things about the world hating Him and hating his followers. He also said that violence would erupt all over the world as His return draws close...accompanied by all sorts of natural disasters.

Does that sound real close to what we are seeing today?

Over the past few days, that violence has erupted in Nigeria and it is a clash between the Christians in the south and the Muslims in north.

Nigeria’s interim leader ordered the Army to restore order today in the central town of Jos where nearly 200 people have been killed in three days of clashes between Christians and Muslims.

It is unclear what started the unrest in Jos, with conflicting reports blaming both Muslim and Christian youth. Some say that Muslim youths set fire to a church, while others say young Christians violently protested over the building of a mosque in a Christian district. Still others have traced the dispute to a row over the rebuilding of houses destroyed when similar violence broke out in 2008.

Sectarian clashes have erupted with deadly regularity. Hundreds were killed in separate incidents in 2008, 2004 and 2001 as Christians and Muslims battled one another on the streets, shooting and hacking each other to death and setting fire to homes and religious buildings.

Read it here;

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