
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Death Star

As if killer asteroids, killer blizzards, killer earthquakes and killer budgets weren't we have to contend with a killer star that could wipe out all of planet earth.

Now listen closely....I'm not saying we are going to be wiped out by a killer star....the Bible tells us clearly how time will end...and we will be safe in the arms of Jesus when it actually does...but the rest of the world is simply going to go nuts when they realize that they lack any control over basically anything.

A STAR primed to explode in a blast that could wipe out the Earth was revealed by astronomers yesterday.
It will self-destruct in an explosion called a supernova with the force of 20 billion billion billion megatons of TNT.

Read it here;

Please pray that these disturbing headlines will wake people up and that they will repent and seek the Lord.

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