
Monday, January 11, 2010

Food Shortage in USA

Here in the USA we are enjoying some of the lowest interest rates that people can remember. I just had a friend lock in a 30 year mortgage at 4.5%. Why? Because the government is artificially keeping rates low in an attempt to get everyone borrowing and spending stimulate the economy.

What does this have to do with food, you may ask?

Here in the USA we are enjoying some of the lowest food prices that people can remember. Can you see the potential connection? Could government agencies be keeping prices artificially low so that we DON'T have to spend as much on that we will have more to spend at the hopes of stimulating the economy?

This headline and article says there is a government cover up that is manipulating data to cover up a food shortage.

Government cover-up of food shortage feared
Reports show demand growing, production declines estimated at 30%

While trend experts, economists and investment gurus have been predicting food shortages for some time, new evidence indicates the U.S. Department of Agriculture may be covering up the greatest food shortage in modern history.

Beginning in 2009, global agricultural markets faced a supply and demand imbalance, caused by a substantial drop in output resulting from the financial crisis and extreme weather around the world.
At the same time, growing economies in Asia have begun consuming record amounts of raw goods, particularly food staples as consumers move to higher protein, higher calorie diets. When supplies are reduced and demand is constant or growing, prices normally rise. Industry observers and economists remained mystified by the low agricultural prices in spite of this trend.

One analyst, Eric deCarbonnel from believes the answer is found in data he believes the U.S. Department of Agriculture has manipulated to keep food prices low.

Read it here:

I don't know that this is true but I will tell you that Jesus told us there would be famine in the Last Days.

I also know that 70 years ago....most Americans had cellars where they kept a full years supply of canned food. I know at my grandparent's farm in South Dakota, they could have lived a long time on what they had stuffed into their fruit cellar...most of it canned and put there by my grandma.

But today, most of us go to Cub foods almost every single day to buy what we need to eat that evening.

Do you see how we have set ourselves up for calamity?

If this storm does come our way.....most of us will be totally unprepared.

Now remember one very important thing; I am not an advocate of moving to Montana with a bunker of food and guns while we wait for the world to come apart. On the contrary....I think we need to stay right in the middle of it all so that our lights can shine bright when calamity does come.

Imagine if there is a huge food crisis and you can share with your un-saved neighbors some of the food that you have laid up? Do you think you may end up with a chance to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ....thereby "snatching them from the fire"?

Isn't this exactly what Jesus would have us do?

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