
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haitian Response

NBC Nightly News had a report last night on the emergency relief flooding into Haiti. They said there was one country that had two 747's on the ground with state of the art hospital equipment, supplies and doctors....and they were there working within 48 hours of the quake, saving thousands of lives.

Do you know who that country was? None other than tiny, little Israel.

See article here;

Oh yeah....Israel is referred to by most Muslim countries as "little Satan".

The other country that has sent it's largest medical ships, helicopters and Marines to aid the Haitians is the USA.

Muslim countries mostly refer to us as "big Satan".

That's interesting. I wonder when the aid will be coming from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, or the United Arab Emirates?

I wonder if they even have a school to train doctors, or a factory to build evac-helicopters, or a shipyard to build floating hospitals?

Honestly, what has the Arab/Muslim world truly added to the world in regards to technology, compassion, innovation or leadership even since Mohammad showed up 1300 years ago?

Before he showed up, the Arab nations had a glorious history of mathematics, art and innovation.

I wonder when the Muslim community will finally wake up and realize they have a serious problem?....and the problem is a dude named Mohammad.

As I read the news today, I do know one invention that radical Islam has brought the world....the suicide bomber.

Some will say....."But Mr. Blogger, you are prejudiced and bigoted against Islam and the Arab culture!! How dare you??!!"

To which my response would be....please point out some of the great things Islam and the Arab nations have brought the world in the past 1300 years. If you can make a list that makes us use more than five fingers to count them...I will gladly stand corrected.

Of course readers of the Bible know exactly why Islam has been a source of misery to the countries that it dominates....because we know exactly who the "Father of all lies" actually is.

Countries who come from the Judeo-Christian morals and culture are the ONLY chance that Haiti has to stay alive....because the Muslim nations and Eastern religion nations simply aren't coming.

"And I will make you a blessing unto the whole world"....says God, in reference to tiny little Israel.

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