
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jerusalem a Tinder Box

Headlines, article and reports concerning Israel and Jerusalem are literally everywhere. The world just seems to be stumbling over this tiny piece of land....and that stumbling WILL lead to war. Funny....that's what the Bible has been prophesying all along.

In the most recent TIME magazine, there is an article about archaeology taking place in Jerusalem. Check out this paragraph;

Now an extreme case of the willful jumbling of science and faith is threatening Jerusalem's precarious spiritual balance. It could not come at a worse time: Israeli-Arab peace talks have stalled; Israel has a hawkish government disinclined to compromise; and radical Islamist group Hamas remains powerful among Palestinians. Any tilt in Jerusalem's religious equilibrium could create a wave of unrest spreading far beyond the city's ramparts. Eric Meyers, who teaches Jewish studies and archaeology at Duke University, says: "Right now, Jerusalem is a tinderbox. "

"The situation now is very, very tense," he warns.
It shouldn't be. Jerusalem is one of the world's richest archaeological sites. In its 6,000-year history, the city has changed hands more than 120 times. It has been ruled — and this is an incomplete list — by Jebusites, Israelites, Romans, Persians, Greeks, crusaders, Mamelukes, Ottomans, British, Jordanians and modern Israelis. "We Jews are not alone here," says archaeologist Finklestein. Would that all who treasure the holy city — of any religion and none — could agree on sharing its sacred past.

Read more:,9171,1957350,00.html#ixzz0eDiy8Y7J

Remember, Luke tells us the Jerusalem will be trampled until the "fullness of the gentiles is complete." And then what??....and then the Rapture of the Church will which point the focus on Jerusalem will be intense because the Third Temple will quickly get built, Antichrist will sign a peace agreement with Jews and Arabs (Israel and her neighbors)....and the wrath of God will be at hand.

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