
Monday, January 11, 2010

North Korea Wants Peace

The latest news out of North Korea is that they want peace with the U.S. and an end to sanctions.....BEFORE they start nuclear disarmament.

Hmmmmm......I wonder if we should pop some champagne and start singing Kum-ba-yah?

Can you really trust a psychopath who uses Christians as guinea pigs to test his weapons on?

I wonder if Obama should demand that they disarm and have them prove it BEFORE he offers them any more blackmail money or withdraws sanctions?

Read it here;

Maybe it is possible that this gopher in a pant suit (Kim Jong Il) has truly changed the 13 stripes on his back and really does want to start singing, "We are the world....we are the children...we are the ones who make a brighter let's start living!!"

If it's true...then to God be the glory!

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