
Friday, January 1, 2010

Running Towards Sodom

Extreme perversion is one of the signs that we are approaching the Tribulation...when God's wrath will be poured out on this evil generation.

If you care to, you can watch a 2 minute clip of a day time TV first.

One Life to Live is a long running daytime soap opera. This past week they ran a very graphic sex scene between two men...complete with candles, making out, rolling on the bed and spooning each other.

Here is the link with an embedded video clip;

It's ironic that the title of this show is One Life to Live. It's obvious that Satan wants us to believe that this life on earth is the only one we have to live. The world believes him....and wants to grab as much perversion, adultery, drunkenness, gluttony and "good times" as it possibly can.

Consequently, the majority of the world will be sorely surprised when they find out that this one life is only a mist of our real life. The REAL one doesn't start until our souls are released from these flesh bodies...and we put on our eternal bodies.

What a terrifying thought to realize after it's too late....that most peoples eternal bodies will be dwelling with their eternal master....Satan.

Pray that many will be snatched from the fire during these Last Days.


  1. Hey Dennis - This question doesn't really apply to this post. It goes back to our conversation on Wed. evening. Also, I'm not disagreeing with you, just trying to bet a better handle on what we spoke about.

    Nephilim - Sons of God and daughters of men - couldn't this mean that believers of God married unbelievers? Matthew 22:30 talks about angels not getting married. So I would question weather angels (fallen or not) could marry and have children?

    It does tald about them being on earth before and after - but after what? I agree that I would read it to mean the flood. But Genesis 7:21 talks about all living beings were wiped out. So, the question is, how can the Nephilim still be around?
    A) They were on the ark. But I don't see that in scripture.
    B) When it sas "before and after" it's not talking about the flood - and therefore, they are not here. But again, this doesn't make much sense to me.
    C) They were not on the earth DURING the flood - but they were before and after. So, what happened to them during?


  2. Hey Darwin,
    just a couple of things to clarify and also maybe pique your curiosity to keep digging into this awesome mystery....

    First off Matthew talks about angels marrying each other...which they do not. However, this may not apply to what they were doing with human I doubt very much that it was a traditionl marriage (probably more like rape) as you and I know it...the Satanic purpose of these "unions" was to "corrupt" all human flesh...and thereby hope to break the curse God placed on Satan three chapters Genesis 3.

    If they are fallen angels, remember that they were here on earth first...even before Adam and Eve. Also remember that angels don't inhabit just our dimension but have access to other dimensions so the demons would have been riding out the flood sitting in another dimension...and not hitching a ride on the ark. However the hybrids with corrupted flesh WERE all destroyed. After the flood they started to corrupt flesh again by sewing their demonic seed (messing with DNA) throughout humans again. We know this because these creatures show up again in Numbers 13:32...and they had already inhabited the land that God had promised the Hebrews. More evidence that Satan always attempts to thwart God.

    Remember, the Bible refers to Satan with many names. One of them is Prince of the powers of the air? What could that mean?

    Also remember that in the Dead Sea scrolls found in 1947, they discovered an entire copie of the Bible exactly as we have it today. But even more interesting is that they discoverd along side it another book, called the Book of Giants. It was in poor condition but you can google it and read from it...and it will give some more interesting clues.

    Finally, if you are still interested in this strange mystery, you can go to Youtube and search for a very well done series called NEPHALIM RISING. It will show you much evidence for scientific finds of giants...which confirms the Bible.

    Also remember that Jesus gives a tip off that right before he returns to earth for the 2nd will be as it was in the days of Noah. Could there be a connection with all the women and men who are reporting being abducted and having their eggs and semen harvested by their abductors? Could Satan be getting ready to release a strange demonic horde that is prophesied in Joel and Revelation?

    Keep digging and let me know what you find.
