
Monday, February 22, 2010

Anti-Semitism Grows

We know the patterns of Satan as his hatred grows and as his time grows short...he first comes after the Jews and then the Christians.

Expectantly, we see persecution of both growing around the world.


Nearly half of Western European believe that Jews exploit the persecution of their past as a method of extorting money, according to an annual Jewish Agency report released on Sunday.

A joint report on anti-Semitism conducted by the Agency and the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs found that 42 percent of those polled by the University of Bielefeld in Germany agreed that "Jews exploit the past to extort money."

The countries in which the highest percentage of the population agreed with that statement were Poland and Spain. According to the Jewish Agency, there were more anti-Semitic incidents in 2009 than in any year since the Second World War.

In the first three months of 2009 - immediately following Israel's three-week offensive on the Gaza Strip - there were as many anti-Semitic incidents recorded as in the entire year of 2008.

See it here;

The Bible seems pretty clear that Jerusalem will be trampled until the "fullness of the gentiles" is complete (Rapture?)....but yet we are to continue praying for the peace of Jerusalem. "How could that be", some ask. "Why pray for something that won't happen", some say.

I believe this is similar to praying the Lord's Prayer when we say, "Thy Kingdom come"....meaning we want Jesus to come and sit on David's throne and rule the world with an iron rod...and rid it of sin. By doing this, we are praying for something that is going to happen in a future age....not the current age that we find ourselves in...which is the Age of Grace.

In essence...we are praying for something that we won't see with our human eyes...but something that we will ONLY see using our glorified eyes, sitting in our glorified heads, sitting atop our glorified bodies.

Amen...Come Lord Jesus.

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