
Friday, February 19, 2010

China Losing Appetite for Dollars

What was it that enabled the U.S. to spend way more money than it took in over the past decade? Of course we know the answer....that other countries stood ready to loan us the money. Simple.

And who was one of the largest lenders?....China.

Yesterday we found that China has been trimming it's U.S. bond holdings which has resulted in Japan being the top foreign holder of U.S. debt.

Today we have this headline;
Jitters over China’s waning taste for T-bills

As the biggest and most liquid pool of assets in the world, the US Treasury market lies at the heart of the global financial system and allows the American government to finance its trillion-dollar budget deficits. Until recently, China has been the largest foreign official holder of US debt.

And even if China is shifting out of US Treasuries, it would not necessarily cause trouble in the market as long as other buyers step into the breach. Indeed, US Treasury yields remain well inside last summer’s peaks as other countries have stepped up their buying.

Did you catch that?? " long as other buyers step in...." Question....what happens if no other buyers step in? Does the whole Ponzi scheme unravel in a really fast WHOOOSH!!

Read it here;

As we talked about last night....America is no where to be found in Biblical prophecy. Where did this great nation go...and why?


  1. Pretrib Rapture Trivia

    Who's the "Protector of the Principality of Pretribulatia"?
    Edward Irving? John Darby? C. I. Scofield? Tim LaHaye? Someone else?
    Media figure Joe Ortiz knows the answer. It's in his "End Times Passover" blog. The one dated Dec. 29, 2009.
    If you're Calvinist, you're predestined to see his blog. If you're Arminian, you can choose to see it.
    It will be too late to find out the answer to the above trivia question if the rapture happens!
    For dessert Google "Pretrib Rapture Diehards," "Pretrib Expert John Walvoord Melts Ice" and "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty."

  2. Is America found in Amos 5 (Irael "north")

  3. Amos 5:15 would america be " the remnant of Joseph" [the northern kingdom]

  4. I don't believe America is mentioned anywhere in Biblical prophecy. She went from rags to riches in a very short time...and also went from defenseless to defender of the world in a VERY short time. She incubated Israel when no one else would...and she opened the doors for Iraq to stand up and enter the Last days prophecies of Babylon. At the Rapture of the church she will be done. A real flash in the pan as far as world history goes. That's what happens when any society sets its sights on worshiping Mammon instead of God. Clearly Jesus said "You can't worship Mammon and God."
