
Friday, February 5, 2010

Iraq Could be Top Producer

When we read the book of Revelation, we find that Babylon is mentioned more than a few times. Let's remember that Babylon is where the Tower of Babel was being built, and where Nebuchadnezzar hauled the Jews off to during the time of Daniel. At that time is was power that ruled the world.

Some Christian scholars believe that when Babylon is mentioned in Revelation that it isn't referring to the actual city...but is more a metaphor for the satanic system of the world.

I'm not so sure. The more I read the Bible...the more I am convinced that when it says means Babylon.

"But how could this be?", some will ask. Babylon is just a dusty village in no-where land. How could it rise to become a trading hub of the entire Revelation predicts?

Here is one headline that might give us an answer;
Iraq says can be top global oil producer in 6-7 yrs

"We can't find a reason to prevent Iraqi production becoming higher than any other OPEC state or even states outside OPEC. We expect that to happen in the next six to seven years with coordination and agreement with other OPEC producers," he said.

Read it here;

Now open up your computers and Google pictures of the city of Dubai. Look at what the city looked like 10 years ago and look at it today. You will see that 10 yrs ago, Dubai had a few goats and one cement hut. Today, it has an indoor ski resort, skyscrapers as far as the eye can see...and is now host to the tallest building in the entire world.

Could this same history be coming for Babylon? Let's watch and see.

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