
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Israel Pressing U.S.

I have been out of town for the past few days so have not been posting as vigorously as usual, but hopefully many of you are catching on as to the important things to watch for.

Of course we had another 8.8 earthquake today in Chile and if you had the news on AT ALL you would have seen that.

But the other even more pressing event is that an un-holy union of Israel haters got together a few days ago in Damascus. Who was present??....none other than our friend from Iran, Ahmadinejad, Syria's President Assad, and the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Now here is the kicker....listen up close. The U.S. government is planning on sending an official envoy to Syria in hopes of maybe trying to understand the wishes of these terrorists and long time enemies of Israel.

Israel is urging the United States to freeze its decision to send a new envoy to Syria, in the wake of this week's tripartite meeting between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Syrian President Bashar Assad and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, according to a report Saturday in London-based Arabic daily A-Sharq Al-Awsat.

The report also said that Israeli officials said Syria had interpreted the appointment of a new U.S. envoy as a sign of weakness on Washington's part, and not as a decision to improve ties between the two countries.

Read it here;

It's hard not to believe that the USA may be walking a very dangerous line by sending an envoy. If our enemies believe we are will embolden them....but even worse for the USA is that if we start to move away from our 100% support of Israel....we may end up sealing our doom.

"I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you," says God.

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