
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nothing Like It

It seems something strange is coming in the sky towards planet earth.

While scientists don't think it's a comet, they're not exactly sure of the precise origin of the incredible object soaring some 90 million miles from Earth, snapped just a few weeks ago by the Hubble Space Telescope.

"I've seen thousands of astronomical images over my
career, but this is one of the few absolute jaw-droppers: A flying X-pattern with trailing streamers," said Ray Villard, a contributing writer to Discovery News. "Whatever it is, nothing quite like it has ever before been seen in the heavens."

Read it here;

Personally, I have no idea what this is or what it might be. What I do know is that the Bible says there will be great signs in the sky during the Tribulation period....could this be a foreshadowing?

Could this be simply one more sign that God is using to try and wake up the Children of the Light to say, "Get ready! Get sober! I'm at the very gate! The archangel's lips are on the trumpet!"

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