
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Achilles Heel

We have talked about it quite a bit in adult ed...the fact that America has become so dependent on cell phones, TV's, computers, and other technologies....all powered by electricity. If terrorists were able to knock out our power grid by either hacking into it or by detonating an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) bomb...America would literally be shut down overnight and most of us would be unable to care for ourselves for even a few days.

Chaos would ensue in VERY short order.

Today in the New York Times we have this headline;
Academic Paper in China Sets Off Alarms in U.S.

Larry M. Wortzel, a military strategist and China specialist, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on March 10 that it should be concerned because “Chinese researchers at the Institute of Systems Engineering of Dalian University of Technology published a paper on how to attack a small U.S. power grid sub-network in a way that would cause a cascading failure of the entire U.S.”

You can read the article here;

The article isn't saying that someone in China is working on it, but you have to know that our enemies have figured out that if they wanted to destroy us....just figure out a way to shut off the power in one grid. This may lead to overload on the grid next door which would short that one out and it simply continues to cascade until the whole country is dark.

You have to wonder when so many people that I talk to simply believe that life as we know it today will ALWAYS be like it is right now. We have most definitely been lulled into a false sense of security. We figure that Cub Foods will ALWAYS have food on the shelves and the water will ALWAYS keep coming from the faucets.

I'm sure the Babylonians, Romans, Greeks and Persian also believed there lives would ALWAYS be the same lives of luxury they had grown used to when their respective countries ruled the known world.

But the one rule that always remains constant on planet earth is that things ALWAYS change.


  1. “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14.

    The world will not receive the teaching of the Holy Spirit unless they first become born again. They will only consider the things of God as foolishness because the things of God are learned through the Spirit of God. That’s why God is so intent on His children learning His word. But the lost, on the other hand, are not in a mode of learning about God or His word. They’re lost and must first be convicted by His Holy Spirit to believe the truth over the enemy’s lies.

  2. Good comments April! It's becoming more and more obvious that the Word of God is "Foolishness to those who are perishing". But to those with the's the Words of Life.
