
Sunday, March 7, 2010

As It Was In the Days of Noah

Jesus said the the Last Days before his return would be like it was in the days of Noah. Read Matthew 24.

According to this passage, men and women were going about their days eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the flood came and took them away.

But there is another part to the days of Noah. Genesis 6 says that Satanic, fallen angels had been having sex with human women...and only Noah had not participated in this forbidden (by God) Noah and his family were the only pure humans who had not had their flesh and offspring "corrupted" by Satan's seed.

So we can know that this behavior will probably be happening again as the Last Days further upon us.

Again, it's not just me making this stuff up about Nephilim and fallen angels....the Bible supports it and so do many other prophecy watchers.

Now that that’s cleared up let’s get back to the case in point. The fallen angels who participated in this abomination took them (women) as they chose. The verse doesn’t say they went to the fathers of the women and asked for their hand in marriage. No, these demonic beings took them, forcefully. Remember the verse states “and they took them wives of all which they chose.” This was all part of Satan’s agenda designed to corrupt the gene pool so the Messiah, and Savior of the world couldn’t come, because He would never come from such corrupted men. This whole supernatural phenomenon was an abomination to God and He was sorely displeased. Except for Noah and his immediate family, the entire planet took part in this perversion.

You can read it here;

The Bible is clear that Satan is not going to go down without a fight. He will deceive the world and the world has been sufficiently prepared to accept these fallen angels again because they are currently pretending to be "aliens" from other planets.

Pray that we will be spared from the strange times coming for planet earth. "Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil." That's how Jesus taught us to pray.

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