
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dolphins Are People Too!

As the author of this article correctly points the world falls away from all Biblical knowledge and has no ability whatsoever to discern right from wrong....we can expect some crazy things to happen.

They won't seem to be crazy to the "really smart" people....but to those of us with Biblical world views, we have to ask the question again, "Is the world going insane?"

One of the most serious consequences coming from our society's collective abandonment of the Judeo-Christian ethic handed down to us from our Founders is our startling tendency to drift from truth into utter confusion. While the biblical worldview provides a solid foundation upon which to build our respect for life, liberty and property, its emerging replacement – moral relativism – offers only the passing whims and fancies of whichever political and cultural fad is currently in vogue.

Take for example what recently occurred at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The fascinating topic of conversation (please note the sarcasm) was the ethical and policy implications of dolphin intelligence. In other words, should we grant dolphins some form of human rights that would protect them to a greater degree than other animals?

But it was Thomas White of Loyola Marymount University who stole the show and demonstrated just how dangerously confused our society is becoming. According to ScienceNOW magazine, White "made the argument that dolphins aren't merely like people – they may actually be people, or at least, 'nonhuman persons' as he described them."

Read it here;

Yes folks....the smartest professors in the world are sitting around at a conference trying to decide if dolphins need greater human rights than lesser animal.

Of course this is going to lead to the Shark, Squirrel and Skunk Anti-defamation League taking any prejudiced dolphin results to the highest court in the land. Oprah will be up in arms and Obama will soon need to give a speech.

And then the author makes this AMAZING observation;
Oddly enough, the same geniuses who want dolphins to be protected with personhood rights are the very ones who vehemently deny baby humans in the womb those same rights.

Wow. Lord Please forgive them for they know not what they do.

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