
Monday, March 8, 2010

Evil Unleashed in Nigeria

If we were unfortunate enough to live in Nigeria...we may believe that The Tribulation is upon us.

Mark Lipdo, from the Christian charity Stefanos Foundation, said Zot village had been almost wiped out.

He said: "We saw mainly those who are helpless, like small children and then the older men, who cannot run, these were the ones that were slaughtered."

A resident of Dogo-Nahawa said that the attackers had fired guns as they entered the village before dawn on Sunday in defiance of a curfew.

"The shooting was just meant to bring people from their houses and then when people came out they started cutting them with machetes," Peter Jang told Reuters news agency.

Some witnesses said villagers were caught in fishing nets and animal traps as they tried to escape and were then hacked to death. Mud huts were also set on fire.

Read it here;

Wow. Trapping women, children and old people in fishing nets and then hacking them to death. That sounds like a sign of Satanic influence.

Of course the liberal BBC chooses to call it racial violence....but other news services are calling it what it is....MUSLIMS verses CHRISTIANS.

Let's post a you think it's Christians who are running into Muslim villages hacking women and children to death with machetes....or do you think its Muslims who are killing the Christians?

Let's keep watching and see.

Let's remember to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Nigeria. Satan has always had a strong foothold in that country and our brothers and sisters there are far, far, far behind enemy lines.

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