
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Excerpts From Biden's Speech

VP Biden did give a speech in Jerusalem yesterday. I read the whole thing and to be sounded pretty good to my human ears. How it sounded to God....I can't say.

He made clear that Israel and USA have an unbreakable bond. He restated the special relationship our two countries have always shared and he relived the meeting he had with Golda Mier right before the 1974 war broke out.

All pretty good stuff.

Here is how Biden ended his speech;

LADIES AND gentlemen, I’m a Roman Catholic. And no one – and I’m no expert on the Old Testament. But I know we’re gathered today between Purim and Passover, holidays that teach us about salvation and redemption. It was written in the Book of Isaiah that Israel shall be “a light unto the nations.”

And yet, for more than six decades, Israelis have often sought but never found the salvation of a lasting peace. And it is very hard – it is very hard to be a beacon for others, when you are constantly at war. To end this historic conflict, both sides must be historically bold, because if each waits stubbornly for the other to act first, this will go on and we’ll be waiting for an eternity.

Back home, I am sometimes called an optimist, but I am an optimist about the prospects for peace because I am a realist. And to paraphrase Golda Meir, there is nowhere else to go.

I cannot tell you that peace will come easily, you know better. In human history, it rarely has. But I can promise you, both Israelis and Palestinians, that the rewards for success will be boundless and that so long as well-intentioned people are engaged in this struggle, the United States will be your partner.

Thank you. And may God protect you, and may God protect Israel. Thank you very much. (Applause.)

Read it here;

Mr. quick question mentioned, "well intentioned people" in your speech. If you found out that Fatah's Charter calls for the destruction of Israel, would you say that the current Palestinian leaders from Fatah would fit your definition of "well intentioned" peace partners?

Hat tip to Jennie D.

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