
Sunday, March 28, 2010


The Bible tells us in Genesis 6 that before the flood of Noah, fallen angels were having sex with women and the resulting hybrids were giants called "Nephilim".
The Bible goes on to say that these Nephilim were also on the earth after the flood....which means that Satan continued with his supernatural plan even after the waters had receded.
Today, I received an email from a distant relative that had six pictures attached. Two of them I have posted above. The email claims that these giant skeletons were discovered in Greece.
Remember, Greek mythology also consists of beings, like Hercules, who had a human mother and a "god" for a father. Followers of Christ would immediately understand that this "god" was really a fallen angel...and part of a Satanic plan to corrupt the human race.
Many on earth today don't believe the Bible is true. I believe it is.
Even more interesting is that Jesus said that in the Last days it will it was in the days of Noah. Could this mean that in the Last days, Satan will be playing with human DNA again?
Could this be connected to the reports of "alien abductions" that have been reported from all around the earth....when "aliens" have reportedly taken women and men and harvested their eggs and an attempt to make "strange flesh"?
Let's be sober...and watch.


  1. Wow - I never pictured that even the Nephilim would have been that large! I can imagine how hard it must have been for David to face Goliath if he looked anything like those remains..! Very interesting - thank you Dennis!

  2. Joshua said in Numbers that "we looked like grasshoppers in their eyes" they must have been pretty big. But just to clarify, I don't know for sure what those pictures are or whether they are authentic. What I do know is that the Bible says that at one time on earth that fallen angels were having sex with human women and that the results were some giants. So who knows?....maybe we will unearth some evidence of these strange beings.
