
Friday, March 19, 2010

Glenn Beck Hates Jesus?

I caught this article from columnist Amy Sullivan and linked to Time Magazine. The full title of the article is; WHY DOES GLENN BECK HATE JESUS?

When Glenn Beck told listeners of his radio show on March 2 that they should "run as fast as you can" from any church that preached "social or economic justice" because those were code words for Communism and Nazism, he probably thought he was tweaking a few crunchy religious liberals who didn't listen to the show anyway. Instead he managed to outrage Christians in most mainline Protestant denominations, African-American congregations, Hispanic churches, and Catholics--who first heard the term "social justice" in papal encyclicals and have a little something in their tradition called "Catholic social teaching." (Not to mention the teaching of a certain fellow from Nazareth who was always blathering on about justice...)

See it here;

So here we have a woman who is clearly not talking about things that she intimately understands....but throwing out a cute comment about Jesus always talking about justice. She has no clue that Jesus is going to fulfill his roll as judge and executioner when he returns. To her, Jesus will always be a long haired liberal who would certainly vote democrat, recycle and drive an electric car.

The article goes on to talk about Glenn Beck's Mormon background. Honestly, I'm not convinced he is a Mormon as I have heard him sounding an awful lot like a Bible-believing, evangelical, Jesus is coming, prepare for the Rapture....follower of Christ. So I'm not sure what box we can put him in.

Of course what he has touched on is the very question of what the Church was put on earth to do....and now followers of Christ seem to not even agree on that.

Let's split this discussion into two main camps;
Camp one says; Feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and hopefully they will see Jesus in us and become better people. Our role is to make the earth a better place until it's nice enough for Jesus to come back and set up his kingdom. (which may or may not be on one can really know) They would like all churches to quit focusing on sin, heaven, repentance and hell....and focus more on converting their church body into a social-action community service. (Side note: most of the "emergent church" movement would fit into this camp)

Camp two says; Feed and clothe your neighbors who God puts in front of you so that you can witness to them about the salvation message of Jesus the Savior. Make disciples everywhere you go. Take care of those brothers and sisters IN THE CHURCH first...and this is a Biblical blessing of being part of the church. The world will continue to fall apart, because the Word of God says it will, and wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes will continue up to the end. People will become more and more evil and perverse...until Jesus comes and snatches his hidden church of Holy Spirit filled people off the face of the earth. Soon after this, the wrath of God will fall on sinful earth and those left behind.

Big difference....and one that will soon be setting up for a major split amongst "Christians". You simply can't co-exist in the same camp with the workers pulling in two opposite directions.

And you KNOW who the world is going to hate...Camp two. It sounds like Glenn Beck may be in camp two....and we are pretty sure most readers of this blog (including us) are also in camp two.

"The world will hate you because of me." says Jesus.

Expect it.


  1. I was watching Hannity last night and he was talking about the current state of the US and looked right into the camera and said "Let not you hearts be troubled" It was comforting I am sure that he is also in group two as I am. Hannity often makes references to Jesus.

  2. Glenn Beck is a Mormon. I'm prety sure that Mormons also believe in Salvation and such the way protestants & catholics do. They just have an extra book which they believe is from God. They believe the Bible to be true as well as the Book of Mormon.

    As for justice, I wouldn't consider myself to be "emergent" in my Christian faith. But, I do believe that the government should be allowed to take control of this issue since it was talked about so often in the Bible; much more than abortion or homosexuality (yes, they should also be dealt with by the government, but they're not mentioned nearly as much as "social justice"). I don't understand why we shouldn't support helping those in need outside of the Church? Why should the Church be the only one helping people?

  3. I know Glenn Beck says he is a mormon....but it would appear he is saying things that almost sound evangelical.

    You can do some searching on what Mormons believe about heaven and will find that it is NOT what Evangelicals believe.
    As far as Catholics, it is very hard to claim that they believe what Evangelicals believe. Again, we are speaking in generalities because you can't say ALL CATHOLICS believe this anymore than you can say ALL EVANGELICALS.

    Question to ponder, jdriesen32, you say you believe the gov't should tak control of this issue...why? Our President has said that we are not a Christian nation. How do you believe the gov't handing out free food, housing and medical care is going to lead people to Christ? On the contrary,...when the gov't feeds people, the people end up believing they have a "right" to eat and be cared for. Nowhere in the Bible does it say it is a right to eat and be cared for. On the contrary...the Bible says, "If a man won't work he shouldn't eat".

    Lots of people "do good" for others...because it makes them feel better...or they believe good works will help them get reincarnated in a better body.

    The Bible says that all good works apart from Christ are "filthy rags" and won't do anything towards salvation.

  4. The Bible also mentions that when we accept Christ as our savior that we will have the Holy Spirit within us; I believe one of the traits of the holy spirit in us is kindness. Is it not unkind of us to not desire to help these people out? What about Matthew 19 where Jesus says to the man to sell all he has and give it to the poor?

    I feel that people are being selfish and caring more about what they'll have to sacrfice to help these people.

    Your verse from 2 Thessalonians says "For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." I believe what this is saying, is if you're unwilling to do the work the Lord commands you to do, then you do not deserve to eat. I think the typical conservative-American way of interpreting this verse. To say that anybody who doesn't work you shouldn't eat, doesn't sound very much like something Christ would say. If he did, I will not disagree; but I would challenge that interpretation.

  5. God commands a VISABLE earthy UNITY among the Church family. The Lords Army in this end time MUST unit. We need each other for comfort and to be in agreement with. I am so thankful for the brothers and sisters in Christ that I have meet and I hunger to be MORE connected with them.

  6. say you don't believe that Christ would say, "If a man won't work, then he shouldn't eat." The do you think that Christ would disagree with Apostle Paul...who Christ personally met with and told him the mysteries of eternity? Revelation 19, it tells us when Jesus returns to earth he will wipe out the kingdoms and kill all the people left on earth who didn't accept him. Do you agree that Christ's 2nd advent mission will be to kill all who didn't accept him?

    I agree with your kindness comments. So now we can get down to what "Kindness" means. Does giving everyone everything they want with no idea of how to pay for it, make a person kind?

    Large, bankrupt governments will do nothing to make the world a better place and will find it difficult to be springboards for the Gospel message....and pretending that the Government is going to feed, house, educate and care for all it's citizens with make believe simply a lie of epic proportions. And Jesus does tell us who the father of all lies is.

  7. They could put a tax on everyday items such as sugary soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, and other types of junk foods. Are we not also going way into debt because of the war we are fighting over seas? Perhaps we should end the war so we can stop worrying about spending money we don't have? I believe that providing affoardable health care to all Americans is important.

    I understand our government will not be able to make our country perfect; but I see no reason for them to not at least try making it better.

    I do believe those who have not accepted Christ as their savior, and who haven't given their lives to him will be going to Hell, yes.

  8. Jesus says there WILL BE WARS right up to the hoping that there won't be wars simply won't happen until the Millenium...when Jesus will be sitting on the Throne of David...and men will, "trade in their swords for plows and learn war no more." Up until then...God and Satan have both used armies and wars to shape the world.

    It would be nice to not have to spend money on wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran?...but it simply won't happen that way. Hoping that Iran won't launch a nuke on Israel, Europe or the U.S. is simply NOT realistic. During this Satanic age in which we find ourselves...most of the time it takes big men with big guns to put down the evil plans of other men.

    Taxing sugary drinks, big macs, tacos, pizza, donuts, doritos, chocolate, etc...will never work. We would end up living in a "nanny state" that would start to also make it illegal to ride snowmobiles, climb mountains, ride bulls in rodeos...and anything else they deemed "unhealthy". People have to be given free choice to fail or succeed, get fat or skinny, take risks and maybe die...Isn't that what freedom really means? The world simply can't be made "fair" or "safe". We are put here to "snatch people from the fire"...not to have lives of comfort and ease...using some socialsit system to take from those who "have" and letting the government give to those that meet their criterion of "have not".

    If the government is going to force all people to carry health insurance...should they also force them all to carry life insurance, disability insurance and accident insurance as well? Or should the government also simply provide $250,000 of coverage to everyone when they that the money could be used to care for their families left behind?

    Where does it all end?
