
Thursday, March 25, 2010

"It's Not Good"

Joel Rosenberg (bestselling author) was at the speech that Netanyahu gave a few days ago in Washington to AIPAC and has been closely following the Obama and Nehanyahu meetings.

Sounds like lot's of pressure being applied to Israel. We in America better hold on tight....because God may start applying more pressure to us.

"The day of the LORD is near
for all nations.
As you have done, it will be done to you;
your deeds will return on your own head." Obadiah 15

(First posted: Washington, D.C, March 24, 2010, 9:35pm eastern. Updated at 8:15am, March 25) – What in the world was going on behind the scenes of the Obama-Netanyahu meetings? Why were the talks so tense, and so shrouded in secrecy? Wednesday night, I was able to gain some clues. It’s not good.

The Obama administration has been applying intense and unprecedented pressure on the Netanyahu government to make huge unilateral concessions to the Palestinians even before direct peace talks begin. One advisor who has been briefed on the talks told me: “President Obama is insisting that Israel sign a document that specifies Israel’s commitment to a peace deal with the Palestinians that will be based on 1967 lines. This means no building in Jerusalem, and a time table to address other core issues, like the ‘right of return.’” The source, one that I trust a great deal, also noted that President Obama spoke by phone in the last 24 hours with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to make sure each of them are on board with pressuring the Israelis to make such unprecedented unilateral concessions. The White House apparently wants the document to become the blueprint for final status negotiations, even though the Palestinians refuse even to come to the table and sit down face-to-face with Israeli leaders, including Netanyahu.

See Rosenberg's blog here;

I wonder....if we start telling Israel they can't build houses anymore......if America's housing market will continue to crash so that we won't build houses anymore?

I wonder....if we demand that Israel split Jerusalem and order that they give some part of it to the Palestinians for their capital.........if God could split America in civil war or could split her in half by shaking the New Madrid fault that runs through the center of America?

"But Dennis," some will say, "God would never do that to us.....He is a God of love!"

To which I would respond that they read their Old Testaments and see evidence of God's wrath and then remember the promise of God.....HE NEVER CHANGES!

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