
Monday, March 29, 2010

Quit Praying for Obama

We have had numerous people tell us that it is getting very difficult to pray for Obama.

If you are one of may have company.

A national ministry that organizes prayer for the president says it's hearing from members who have quit praying for President Barack Obama.

His letter says the ministry has been "hit hard because some of our members are deeply distraught with our country's leaders." Otto writes that members "tell us that they are discouraged, disappointed, and some have admitted they have stopped praying for the president and our nation."

Otto says prayer is needed more than ever with issues like the healthcare vote dividing Americans, and with the nation's leaders casting aside what he calls "biblical principles."

Read it here;

Remember, we don't have to pray for Obama to accomplish all he desires...but we can pray for his safety and we can also pray that God's will would be accomplished in his life.

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