
Friday, March 12, 2010

Symptoms: He's Coming!

One of the sites that we monitor had a new video that they recently posted. The title of it is, SYMPTOMS: HE'S COMING! It is a video log of many of the headlines we have seen in the past few weeks.

Watch it here;

Of course if you showed this video to someone who was clueless of anything going on in the may freak them out. But isn't it true that the Holy Spirit can use fear of the unknown to bring people to the Lord? Isn't it OK to be terrified of the Living God and look to Christ to protect us from God's wrath that may soon be coming?

If time is short, we need to be snatching people from the fire...using any way possible.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," says the Word of God


  1. Dennis - have you seen this website:

  2. I have not...but I will check it out. Thanks.
